Li Nian Fan’s Special Attack — Causing Blindness and Vertigo

The moon was hanging in the night sky.

Li Nianfan held Little Fox in his arms and slowly flew toward Dog Mountain on his Deluxe Merit Cloud. The closer he got to his destination, the more he thought the night sky was darker on Dog Mountain, as if it was covered with a barrier of black clouds, dying it darker. He wondered whether he was hallucinating.

Little Fox popped her head out from under Li Nianfan's crooked arm, her eyes as shiny as jewels. She cautiously surveyed their surroundings and the hair on her head stood up when she detected something odd. She curled back into Li Nianfan's embrace and one could only see the back of her head. 

"Brother Li… Something's off," she said quietly. 

"Could something bad be happening at Dog Mountain?" muttered Li Nianfan. He, too, could detect something was wrong.