The Legendary Beast Sect, The Ministry’s Ambition

The next day, a well-rested Li Nianfan rose with the sun, feeling incredibly spirited. 

"Master, let me help you get dressed," said Daji before gently assisting him.

At the same time, Fire Phoenix entered with a wooden bowl full of water. "Master, here's the water for washing up."

Their beauty and gentleness soothed him into satisfaction. He smiled from the bottom of his heart and said, "What good wives I have."

Li Nianfan walked out of the room once he had smartened up, breathing in the sweet fragrance of the flowers, ready to start the day.

Suddenly, he heard a helpless voice calling him. He turned around and nearly jumped out of his skin with fright.

It was none other than the bald Blackie with his ears turned down, looking at Li Nianfan. He looked like a giant naked-mole rat. He looked skinnier without his luscious fur and his pinkish skin made the whole situation funnier than it should be.