Young Sect Master Hand Over, Bet

It was instantly awkward.

Shi Tuyu was dumbfounded. He stood there like an idiot.

'Why are you guys here if you aren't going to congratulate me? Just to say something like that?

'What the heck? You guys are here to crash my ceremony?!

'For that Shi Tuqin?'

His father walked over at a crucial moment. He said with a neutral tone, "Guys, you're our guests. We will naturally be polite to you, but this is a ceremony for the young Sect Master. The private business of our sect is not up to outsiders to interfere."

"Yeah. The Empath Sect and the White Cloud Sect are so nosy. This is inappropriate."

"I can't believe Shi Tuqin has such good allies. The Empath Sect and the White Cloud Sect are willing to do this for her."

"Yeah. If she was alright, her future would've been bright."

Everyone loved to watch and comment. They gossiped and discussed.