The Arrival of the Secret Border, Intelligent Blackie

In the four-part architecture.

Li Nianfan was teaching the Food God how to cook.

"The basic quality of food is in the presentation, smell, and taste! These three things are decided by the hands of chefs."

Li Nianfan pointed at all sorts of sauces and seasoning in front of him. He continued to say, "There are a lot of ways you can transform food. The most common method is through seasoning and knife skills!"

The Food God nodded but he barely understood. He asked curiously, "Lord Saint, may I ask to what level you can transform food?"

"To what level?"

Li Nianfan laughed. "To whatever you want!"

He had to be confident since he was teaching the Food God. Thus, he was also a bit mysterious and pretentious.

He casually picked up the cooking knife and slashed through the Pumpkin. The blades shined and danced like a butterfly.