Ancient Battlefield, Can’t Erase The Fighting Spirit

In the Chaos.

Guzhan looked at a star in front of him, and in his eyes was an odd glint of light.

Lately, he had been patrolling the Chaos near the area in order to find the ancient battlefield. After ten days continuously searching around, he finally locked onto this place.

He had participated in the great catastrophe back then, so he wasa following its aura in search of the battlefield.

After falling silent for a moment, he slowly raised his hand, and he sent his fist right at that star!

With that punch, a terrifying explosion of power came forth, heading straight for that star. With the sound of an explosion, that star was destroyed, turning into mere shards, flying into the endless Chaos.

In the middle of that star was a layer of light. Looking at it closely, the light actually came from a crack within Chaos itself, and strange fluctuations could be felt within.

"So it's here."