Spring Cleaning, The Ultimate Existence in the All of the Dimensions

Suddenly, they heard a wailing sound coming from somewhere. They furrowed their brows, stopped what they were doing, and looked around for the source of the cries. Then, they saw somewhere far in the distance, the sky was completely stained dark by the rolling black gas. They had found the source of the wailing cries. 

"Man, that black fog sure is thick. What could it be?" Li Nianfan was shocked. No matter how he looked at it, the scene seemed to be taken out of a movie where the biggest boss appeared. Could it be that a big demon had appeared here?

"Little Daji, what do you think?" he asked.

"There's a high probability that an evil presence with high cultivation appeared there. Only countless killings can bring about such a large number of resentful spirits," replied Daji.

"It'll be a disaster to the mortal realm if that thing appears here," said Fire Phoenix.

"How can we eliminate that?" asked Li Nianfan.