The Safest Dimension of All

Li Nianfan put down the newspaper and asked, "Little Daji, what do you think of the situation now?"

Daji pondered for a moment and then said, "There are many more skilled fighters around, the undercurrents are surging, and many clans stand in great numbers. I'm afraid that many changes will happen soon."

Li Nianfan nodded. It was just as he had guessed. Several different dimensions were connected and the little skirmishes here and there were signs of bigger battles that were to come. Even though he was a Deluxe Merit Saint and had many skilled fighters protecting him, it was still necessary to maintain relations with various powerhouses.

Mindful of this, he said, "Call Nanan and Dragin over. I have something to ask of them." 

Daji nodded obediently and immediately went to the backyard.

Soon, Nanan and Dragin ran over and asked, "Brother Li, you called?"