The Plan

"The red date, also known as jujube, can be made into jujube cakes, and it's also a perfect match with the wolfberry. Combined together, they can be brewed into jujube wolfberry tea, which is a great tonic." The corners of Li Nianfan's lips curled up into a smile, and he continued, "It's a pity that there isn't any snow fungus around, otherwise, we can make jujube snow fungus soup which is really good for the body, too." 

"Brother Li, what's a snow fungus? Maybe we can look for it," said Dragin curiously. 

"Hahaha, I'm so lucky to have thoughtful people like you. Like mushrooms, snow fungus grows on trees, but it's very different from mushrooms in shape. It is white and gelatinous, making it easily identifiable," said Li Nianfan.