Wisdom Dictator vs Wisdom Dictator

Heaven and earth were silent. All things were rendered toy-like under the hand that seemed as if it could dominate everything. However, it only wanted one thing—the stele. 

A voice reverberated through the void. "I'm very familiar with your aura. You're the sixth Battle Spirit Guardian who escaped from me back then!" 

It was the Executor of the Heaven Plundering Alliance who spoke. Back then, he participated in the plundering of the Ancient Forbidden Area and got a big sword as a reward. However, he was confused as to why the words on the stele had changed. 'Did the words change by themselves? Can it even do that? Oh well, I'll find out once I capture it!'

"It's you!" The figure on the stele shook violently, also recognizing the aura of the Executor. "Give me back my third brother!" With a roar, the words on the stele glowed with a dazzling light akin to that of the sun and shot toward the giant hand.