We’ll Be Cheering for You

"This is definitely a place of great evil!" Xiao Chengfeng looked at the giant frost wolf with vigilance. The wolf was a half-step Wisdom Dictator. To encounter a monster of this caliber not long after they entered just showed how dangerous the ancestral land was, so much so that even the Yun Clan who entered before them could not escape from the danger.

At that moment, the giant frost wolf slowly turned its head to face them. Its blue eyes seemed to pierce through everyone, giving them the chills. Just when everyone was about to prepare for battle, the giant frost wolf turned its attention back to the corpse. It chomped down on the corpse's head and ran off. 

Shocked by the unexpectedness of it all, they remained standing where they were for quite a while. 

"It's…making way for us?" asked Yang Jing with uncertainty. 

The giant frost wolf was in the middle of their path before it had cleared the way for them.