The Victor Is Certain

Dragin's tide covered everything while gray mist covered the other world. The two of them seemed to overlap, but they were actually in two different spaces. It made for a strange sight.

Within the sea, every movement would be restricted by seawater. Their movements would be impaired, which was the area of effect skill that Dragin learned. It caused the gray mist warriors to be greatly weakened while the Heavenly Palace's fighters were not affected at all.

"Haha, did you forget what I have in hand?"

Tian Luo might have been shocked at Dragin and Nanan's skills, but he still remained calm. Instead, he pulled out the pearl in his hands.

"This is the Sea Boiling Pearl. Aren't you just looking to die by using seawater against me?!"

After that, he pointed at the pearl in his hand. In a flash, the Sea Boiling Pearl glowed red and the sea suddenly burned with flames!

The Sea Boiling Pearl could boil any sea.