Volcano Souls

Yet, the lava beasts were just exterminated when more beasts crawled out of the volcanoes. 

They were like spirits of the volcanoes, impossible to get rid of. Their prowess was terrifying as well.

Yang Jian furrowed his eyebrows, "The volcanoes have souls. How did this happen?"

Even though everything under the heavens could gain a soul, it was incredibly difficult for something like a volcano to get a soul.

Humans were the leader in terms of getting souls, being born naturally with sentience. After that were animals and then plants. Mountains, rocks, and wood were never alive, to begin with. Unless something that defied the heavens happened, it was impossible for them to gain souls.


All of the volcanoes there had souls, and they were not the weak sort. Instead, they were incredibly strong.

"Could the gray mist have even corrupted these volcanoes? It's the whole area within the Volcanoes of Disaster!"