The Unrivaled: It's Too Hard

"H-how are you so fast?" The Unrivaled was stunned, beginning to question everything he knew.

He knew better than anyone else how deep the Wisdom of the Door of Wonder was. He thought that Nanan and the others were only concerned about speed, and would not go far. He never expected that he would turn to see that they were right behind him.

'Could I just be too dumb?'

"It's just because you're too slow," Nanan clicked her tongue as she shut her eyes and started to study the forty-first step.

Seeing that, the Unrivaled had a sense of urgency in his heart. He could not allow anyone else to catch up to him. He wanted to be unrivaled in the world!

"This is my second time in the Door of Wonder. I have a natural advantage against them. I refuse to believe that they'll catch up to me!" The Unrivaled consoled himself in his heart, composing himself before he threw himself into understanding Wisdom.