Black Blood

"Pureblood - The highest blood of all the vampires. Every vampire has granted different abilities but the purebloods holds the powerful elements and abilities"


Lee Revon's POV

"I don't get it why on earth the Queen left us here. Are we going to the dungeon?" I glared at Helena and flicked her forehead.

"No, we are not. She only needed a few men for a single execution"

But she sure left a lot of men here. This kingdom is well accustomed to vampires, allowing mortals to even raise vampire orphans. I envy them.

I grew up with no mother or even a father. I was a stray vampire who grew up in a village of humans. One human was kind enough to raise and feed me. She's also the same age as me at that time. I didn't know that I would lose her.

Helena was the same. No parents. No identity and no home. We were bullied and hated but here was different. I could see that they both respect each other's kind.

I have to find her. I know somewhere that she is still living. I could feel it. Whatever happens, I won't stop looking for her even if takes forever to find her.

"This is automaze, all soldiers are required to retreat the Terlaine. Orders from the Queen. Protocol Number 3: Military force to head to the royal kingdom. I repeat, all vampire soldiers are required to head to the Royal Kingdom."

Which means.

The operation has failed.


One disgusting sh*tty sign of the X-species is that they do f*cking stink!

I only brought half of my men, making us outnumbered by these creatures. There are no signs of them earlier and why are they attacking us now?

"Secure the place and don't let any single humans get hurt"


Normally, Kiel would've known a lot sooner but they surely knew when to attack and where. I know that he wouldn't hide this from me. This only means one thing, they can break through the barrier.

I held my sword, ready, and prepared to attack. I would not stand still as my men continue to fight. They might have smelled the blood of humans and came here. Yet their damn numbers are always going up higher than usual.

"I, the queen, with the blood of the purest vampire. With the aim to save and protect thy people and thy kingdom, I permit to use all abilities of my men" The light of my symbol automatically lit the place. Immediately allowing every single one of them to fight and use their special abilities in order to exterminate them all.

My power cannot withstand the number of my men that's why I cannot do these alone. The place and area are too vast and open, it will be useless if I drain my energy for using my power. Instead, I am standing as an assassin just using a sword and a gun. "My queen! It is dangerous for you to fight with us! I suggest we delay the operation"

Ignoring my battalion, I kept on cutting the heads of the X's. Black blood rushed through their necks as they started to vanish into ashes after they die. Eyes dyed with the color of black and their appearance is close to a vampire's figure. Except that their fangs grew much more than ours. Their limbs are bent, causing their body to look like four-legged creatures.

Such an eyesore.

However, they are not attacking any single humans here. It would make their blood boil knowing that they are surrounded by mortals. Yet all they do is purposely attack us. These mindless creatures are attacking us, vampires.

"Rika, what is the situation of the Terlaine? Any reports regarding the X-species?" Judging from her eyes, she is now detecting the number of X-species heading towards us. Bright bluish eyes rushed through her as I waited for her answer.

"We are surrounded, my Queen. It seems like their target is us. The direction of the X-species is merely concentrated among us." she replied

There is no way that they can choose whoever to attack? They are mindless.

"Which means they are controlled?"

"Yes, your highness"

A single village with a large number of uncanny creatures and built with no barrier at all. One defiant immortal.

Cryle, the traitor. He is the one controlling them

I turned my back to find him. No, he can't be the one controlling them. He couldn't create an army of these creatures? None of us have ever known what truly are they. Not even my father. The histories of them are nothing.

How come that a single half-human and half-vampire can manage to build this army.

No, we shouldn't jump to conclusions. It couldn't be and it shouldn't be.

I rushed only to find no one at the main house where he was earlier. Where is he? Did he escape?


My claws instantly sank through the throats of the X's as soon as they attack me. I kept looking for Cryle. He holds the truth and everything. I let myself rummage inside the houses and kept looking.


"Your highness, Cryle is nowhere to be found. He's no longer in my vision"

Rika's preciseness never fails. She has the ability to find and detect either the X's, mortals, and even vampires.

"We'll head back to the royal castle. Instruct the other soldiers to follow us." I commanded.

There are possibilities that the Royal kingdom was attacked too. This is just an ambush. Or a distraction. Their goal is to get the kingdom from me or even snatched the entire place.

I never considered these creatures to have a leader. They emerged from nowhere and for decades, the purebloods have failed to execute them. They remained a mystery and a threat to our kind. This is purely absurd.

My father is still alive yet weak. It could be that their aim is my father and the Kingdom. I won't allow them to kill my father.

One thing is for sure. I know now who manipulates them.