Ralaine Kingdom

The kingdoms are still governed by their own Kings and Queens. All of them are handpicked by the previous King, Ferid Rayden.


Xier Rayden.

"Causing an uproar like this will certainly confuse the other kingdoms!"

To let them stay-

"You cannot be sure if they will agree to us anymore. Even if they are all under us, there is no guarantee that they will not oppose you"

or not.

"Especially, that one kingdom ruled by humans. How sure are you that you can make them one of your pawns?"

To let them stay

"We must hold this information as a confidential case or just kill the subject. We will not gain any useful information from that thing"

Or not- I flicked the one last petal of the flower out of my hand. Watched as it slowly falls to the ground with grace. Lovely. All of them are now painted red.

Turning my back against the headmasters, I let my eyes wander around the empty hall only filled with these hard-headed vampires who only seek power from me.

Oh, I know them very well.

They will never be satisfied with power. Unfortunately, they cannot kick a pureblood vampire out of the throne. Sadly.

"May I remind you all, my dear headmasters," I spoke as I lifted my right hand only to provoke their conceited asses. "None of you can oppose me. All of you are my pawns. Nothing more and nothing less"

I saw how their faces tingled with pain. The painful thing is you can't defy a pureblood because my blood will always be superior to them. I can make them feel pain. I can play with their blood just by commanding my own to do so.

"I can talk it out with the other kingdoms. They owe me after all. I already commanded the Verlaine to send their troops here."

"All of them are obligated to follow the royal kingdom's orders. And if they didn't, they must be all executed or let them bow to us. Your pride can be crushed by just one vampire and that is me"


"My Queen, the Kingdom of Ralaine acknowledges your request but I think the King will not let us go for free" hmm. Interesting.

"Let's hear what he has to say. I'm sure his kingdom has to offer something greater to us" I replied.

"Your absence can make the kingdom vulnerable. My barrier is also weak if we're away" Kiel stated. Worried to be exact.

"That's why I left them there."


"Revon and his friends" The one who almost wiped out the entire field. His ability is to destruct whatever he wants to destroy. He might be useful and his curly little friend. "I permitted him to use his ability based on his will"

"What? He's unstable, Xier"

"I noticed that his partner, Reve can contain his abilities. She's a notable assassin too. That's why I left them. I only left a couple of soldiers before that's why the Academy is found defenseless. I also received reports that the Sierra and other villages did not get attacked by the X-Species. Most probably, their target is us vampires or the academy itself"

All of these are still confusing. What is the traitor's plan? What is their hidden goal and did they purposely let their kind bite my men?

"What are your plans to the other kingdom? We didn't need them before"

Something that we don't have and something that we must grow more.

"We need more power"

He was silent after my reply. He knew he couldn't change my mind now. Even if he was my guiding voice, he cannot disobey me. He may be a guide and a protector but he's still below me. I'm pretty sure he knows that.


Ralaine Kingdom.

Eastside of the Vampire Realm. The second in line to the royal kingdom. Ruled by King Ray, for he and his people symbolizes wisdom. They established another sister academy from the Rayden academy but they instill the knowledge of the Vampire Realm and our history rather than armory.

The people here are very modest, well-cultured, and highly educated. As soon as their notice our presence, an immediate and respectful bow welcomed us. No sign of confusion and doubts shown on their faces. Be it a vampire or a human.

This kingdom is open to other kingdoms too for they believe education is free and all must be knowledgeable to our world. My father knows how to pick rulers. Except for the headmasters.

I got down from my horse, the castle rests at the heart of the kingdom just near their people. "Welcome to our kingdom, Queen Xier"

I was surprised by the sudden greetings of the little kids inside the castle. After their warm welcome, they flashed their big smiles and bowed before me. After that, they ran chasing each other. Playing around inside the castle, their giggles filled the whole place.

"Ahh- Pardon them, my Queen. They are in our care, they are orphans to be exact." The King's face softened upon looking at the children. He was never blessed with children, not even one child. I guess this is his way to relieve his longingness for not having an heir.

"Some of them lost their parents in the war, some of them died from various illnesses so we had to take them in here. And besides, I don't have any children" he explained while he led us in front.

King Ray. He was my father's most trusted ally. He trusts his wise judgment as this kingdom was named because he was one of the wisest King the royal kingdom has known. His men and people are intelligent and smart. They were all being fed by books and all valuable information is also being taught in schools.

"Now then, let us do business." I started.

His smile faded and respectfully faced me. I know this might be a selfish request from me but I have no other choice. The next thing is, I just have to trust my judgment and gain their trust in order to exterminate our enemies. "Escort the kids away from the main room."

"This is more like a personal request from the royal kingdom, or from me," I stated.

"I'll heed to your request, your highness"

"One of my men was bitten by an X-Specie. However, he didn't fully transform into one yet. He's in the care of the academy's research team, Vild"

The room went silent after that. I am aware that he was taken aback by what I have said. Even books have nothing to say about this kind of situation were in. I can see he's thinking but no sign of fear was shown on his expression.

"Vild. He was one of my best students. He has the ability to create an amazing technology just like automaze" he paused for a while and sighed, "Yet this the first time, we have encountered something like this"

"The Royal Kingdom specializes in terms of defense and offense of the army. We lack the power to investigate this case, our facilities are also limited. It is only intended for technological purposes"

"I'll send you the bests of my men. They are blessed with incredible mind abilities; some are born with creative abilities. I trust you, your highness. This is actually a déjà vu to me. Your father also came here before, rushing for help. That is why Vild referred you to come here"

"We will always stand by your judgment, your highness" he added, "Come, let me take you to a little detour"

The castle was a little bright. For they use the color of white which symbolizes purity and good judgment in their case. For vampires like us, we're not really afraid of the light or the sun. It's a common misconception for us. We gain power through the light and we gain vision through the night.

The lab was not too far and too close. Unlike on the outside, the structure of the inside is filled with technological devices and way far innovative than any of the other kingdoms have. Brains and innovation. That's their main point.

"There will be approximately 300 students that will join you, my queen. I guarantee you that these students will exceed your expectations. They are continuously learning and I'm sure they are willing to work under any circumstances"

I see to it that their circle of manpower is filled with students. To preserve and maintain the force by having to pass the abilities as soon as their mind is ready to acquire skills and knowledge. Impressive.

"In this case, I will have the best 4 students accompany you. Their skills are top tier amongst the students and they are born with S abilities"

Now, this is business.

"But in return, I want to ask you a little favor, your highness"

"What is it?"

"The supply of food and agriculture here is very low. I had an argument with the king of Arlaine. If you can provide them with good food, I'm really grateful for it. We're trying our best to restore the lands for the poor but it's not enough"

I can see that. Just like what I said, business is business.

"Of course, I will not let them suffer. I suppose we're having a deal?"

"It's not a deal, your highness. It is my honor. Everything for the noble blood"