THE only thing that worried Liz since Greg's visit was Spencer attempting to kill himself. She didn't want him to hurt himself. She had to think fast before something regrettably happened. She just wanted peace and the only way to bring it was divorce. She would make him understand she can't live with him anymore and mayhap he should start all over.

That would definitely give him a little peace and maybe bring back happiness. Yes, divorce will do. But how would I tell Spencer? She thought. Liz had no idea how she would start a conversation with Spencer about this issue. Greg, she reasoned, Greg will do.

Speaking of the devil, Greg came to pay a visit again. "How are you doing Liz?"

"I'm fine"

"Hope you're taking good care of yourself?"

"I sure am"

"...and you're family?"

"I'm fine Greg. I've put adequate thought into this and I've come to a conclusion"

"Good. 'cos I've already informed Spencer you'd be coming home today"

"Coming home?!" Liz asked, shocked.

"Yes of course. Have you forgotten our last discussion? When I said I'll be coming back soon to take you home?" Greg said surprised with Liz's reply. Liz never forgot any word Greg said that day, but going home, she won't.

"... about that. I'm not going anywhere"

"Liz why are you behaving like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like you don't care"

"I do. I do care. I want the best for Spencer, but I can't go back there"

" 'cos you think Spencer's the murderer of your son?"

"Greg, you're taking it too serious"

"Why won't I? Spencer's sick about this whole thing, he's not even angry with you and that's what's driving me crazy. I can't let you treat him like this"

"Just listen to me"

"You're coming with me" he concluded.

"What about a divorce?" She chipped in.

"A divorce?!"

"I...I...I just thought about that earlier today and I thought you'd be the perfect person to tell him" she said.

"Okay, you're the one taking this way too seriously than I am. It's only a son that died ACCIDENTALLY. You can still make up with Spencer and get another one, mayhap twins. This is not the end of the world or your marriage" he swiftly said.

"It is for me. My son is gone and that's all that matters" she said.

"What about Spencer?" He asked, giving up on her.

"... He can get re married, live his life the way he wants, and stay far away from all these" she replied.

"And you think he can do that?" Greg asked, disappointed.

"I know he can" she said.

"Have you seen Spencer?" He asked, disgusted.

"I know he'll be just fine" she said.

"I have giving up in this marriage" he simply said and left.

Liz didn't mind, a divorce will do.

She had stayed only a day in the house and was fed up. She needed to go out. Anywhere. Somewhere. She took her small purse and left the house. She was approaching a restaurant, when she saw mobs of news reporters and paparazzi coming with full speed towards her.

She realized they'd been curious to find her and decided they won't leave her until they've gotten their answers.

"Princess, are you back with your family?"

"My lady, is it true that your husband was responsible for Joshua's death?"

"Ma'am rumour has been out that you've packed from your home and you're ashamed to go back to your father's house. What can you say about that?"

"I'm alright...no, my husband and I are equally to be blamed for this incident...no, no police case is involved... I was not at home, my husband was at work when I received the news... Spencer is not to be blamed for our son's death. No man is perfect and I can be in the same shoes. All we should know is that Joshua died unfortunately while playing. That will be all" Liz answered them.

"Mrs Murphy, are we allowed to call you Mrs Murphy or Ms Elizabeth?" "If you were brought to interrogation and asked who was to be blamed seriously for Joshua's death, would you deny the fact that Spencer bought the swing that actually took your son's life?" "Wait ma'am. Please one last question, would you resume work and when?"

...And many more questions came.....

She rushed into the cafe restaurant and shut the door, leaning on it. She hoped everybody got the message. It was high time she admitted her mistake.

"Please, can I get a coffee" she ordered and took a sit.

She just wanted to be free -she watched the mobs outside- free from all these. But would she ever be free from Joshua's memories? She took her order.

The disgrace and shame she had brought to her family was enough, she didn't want to add to it by returning home. She should issue a divorce and let Spencer be free too. She can't go on like this. She just needed the right time for this. Mayhap when Joshua's death story and the mourning had cooled down, the perfect time would come.

Sipping her coffee gradually, she gave up thinking for the day. Now how to escape this mob was the next thought on her head.