Chapter 101: Divulging information

Eric's words clearly stunned the crowd once again, it seemed like today was the night of shocking news. There were a forbidden love story and even kidnapping.

It was only then, that a few journalists were able to remember that shocking news of a romantic love story between the Takeshiba's family little princess, and an unknown kid.

But this time wasn't only the crowd but even Uncle Satoru, who couldn't get a hold of the situation anymore. Who could blame him, the story was getting more and more complicated.

Trying to clarify the situation to himself he asked in a clear tone,

"Are you saying that you have been kidnapped beside the Takeshiba's family Young Miss and that you together were able to escape them!?"

Eric kept his anger clearly shown on his face, as he looked at the guy, and said as a matter of fact,

"Yes, we were both kidnapped, and detained from a group of people of unknown origins, who seemed to be after ransom money."