Chapter 146: Connections & Intimidation

Eric didn't care in the least what the crowd thought of him, as he was just trying to understand as much as he could and learn as much as he could about them, and the high society.

He felt himself like a secret agent trying to get as much information as he could from the people surrounding him, and at the same time select his targets.

Of course, the people who come and greet him, or had the importance to be introduced to him by Master Takeshiba were all the cream of the crops.

Each and any one of these people were a connection that Eric might have to use in the future. So even though it was boring and tiring beyond belief, Eric still kept the same attitude until the end.

Even though the biggest part of the crowd was just trying to learn more about him, and enter his good books, either by fawning upon him, or badmouthing those who left, or had gloomy faces.