Chapter 161: Nostalgia

The message he had received was from Daisuke. He was reminding him once again that the matter of his old working place had yet to be concluded, and they were waiting for his instructions.

All this time Eric had been extremely busy dealing with many important things, and deals that were vital for the future.

He hadn't been able to take a good rest for a while now, and had a lot of pent-up stress inside him, ready to be unleashed.

What would be a better stress relief for him, than settling some accounts of the past, as it was time for his revenge to continue.

Due to his busy schedule, and lack of time, he had even let Tina on her own, and hadn't dealt with her as he should.

His revenge upon her was far from over, in fact, it had just started, he had a lot more in mind on how to deal with her.