Chapter 165: Naked (One for All, All for One)

As he was thinking like that, he was also enjoying the scenery in front of him. The two teary ladies in front of him were slowly taking off their clothes in utter embarrassment.

Even though they might act all high and mighty, women were still women and were fragile and delicate emotional beings.

Even the tyrannical bi*tch who would always bully and torture Eric was still a young lady inside her heart.

She might go and have fun with a lot of men, and do whatever she wants, but that was because she liked to do it.

Right now, she was being forced to strip naked in front of some people she didn't know and had no relation with, and it was her own father that was forcing her to do something like this.

That was anything but normal, and she couldn't help but be overcome with sadness, hatred, and wrath, as even the man she had promised her life to, was just looking at her with expectation in his eyes.