Chapter 273: 1 Month

In the next 20 days Eric and the 4 ladies by his side totally focused on training, and destroying militia camps all over the places where they passed through.

At the same time, they would free the captives that these camps had captured during all this time, and put them to good use.

After facing the harsh reality that Eric was unable to take all of them from there, and sent them to the Senkaku Islands in order to give them a place there, Eric decided on his second-best choice.

Instead of killing them, or letting them in the middle of nowhere without any sort of help, he decided to take over the camps where they were captives.

He let them select the leaders on their own, as he also promised them support, in the form of money, essentials, and weapons.

Their role in this place would be to continue what they were doing as best as they were, while training and becoming stronger.