Chapter 312: Removing a Bullet

The lady was immediately frightened by the prospect of what was in front of her, as she felt like her life was running in front of her eyes.

With the speed the two of them were running towards that underwater rock, even though they were a bit different from normal people, it would surely hurt if they didn't stop on time.

The more they approached the rock, the more terrified she felt, but Eric was holding her hand tightly and she couldn't escape from it.

Not only that, but Eric seemed to be accelerating towards that rock, making the situation even more complicated than it already was.

On the other hand, Eric was just hoping that the sniper wouldn't shoot another bullet before they reached that rock, otherwise, they would certainly be dead.

This normal rock underwater was their only hope of escaping their dark fate at that moment. So, he tried to accelerate, even more, to reach there even faster.