Chapter 333: Equals Contract

But even then, he couldn't help but show a tough front, as he said,

"So, what!? I was bound to disappear anyway, now I am going to take you down with me! Since you want to make me disappear, you can only come with me!"

The truth was that Eric was doomed, either way, the only difference between the two was that one option made him die in the future, and the second option sent him towards his death now.

Hearing that claim, even the Legacy System was unable to come up with some convincing motive, or reason to convince him otherwise.

Since this was only one of the 9 parts that completed the Divine Artifact, it contained only 1/9 of its normal conscience and spirit power.

That was also the reason why its apparent age and its voice belonged to a young kid, and not the usual voice it should have.