Chapter 359: Assassin’s Breath

Now that she had become a Realm 1 being, Ice was able to recuperate much quicker than earlier, and she was awake in less than 2 hours.

She still felt a bit sore in her secret garden region, as she had once again lost herself in pleasure, and done the deed with Eric until she had passed out once again.

Even she herself couldn't believe her actions. She had lost her purity not long ago, but until now she felt like she had done it enough for a year or two, even though she would still do it most probably.

Sure, Eric would ask her to do it, but she felt that even she herself wanted to do it because she felt like it filled the emptiness left after those words.

She didn't have much time to think about it though, as at that moment Eric appeared in front of her saying,

"Good morning sleepy head! It seems like you are nice and fresh now, beside that spot right!?"