Chapter 369: Looking for Iron, Finding Gold

Until now the more he killed the more of that weird dark energy he could absorb, but at this point that weird energy became stagnant.

In fact, he felt that if he continued to kill and waste time he would most probably start to be losing the grasp on it, than benefit from it.

But he couldn't act just on sentiment alone, so he decided to test his theory out, and appeared in front of another guy from the crowd, killing him as easily as he had killed everyone until now.

Still, the killing only proved his thoughts though as he didn't feel the strand of dark energy enter his body, as it only disappeared and returned to nothingness.

Realizing this Eric didn't continue with his slaughter anymore, as he directly sat in the lotus position and started comprehending and refining what he had absorbed until now.

It didn't take him long to understand that what he had absorbed until now and comprehended in this weird trance was the Death Law.