Chapter 392: New Residents, Introduction, & Loot

"Wha-What is this?"

One of the kids couldn't hold his amazement as he blurted these words unconsciously, but everyone seemed to be wanting to know the same thing.

Looking at the city in front of him, Eric said in a matter of fact tone,

"This is my dominion and your new home! From now on, you will be living and training here. You will be able to leave this place only when you are strong and loyal enough!"

These words were said to the kids, but also to Ice. Eric was clearly telling her that if she wanted to leave this place from now on, she could do so only when Eric trusted her enough.

Ice had a weird face when she heard those words, but she didn't say anything. No one knew what she was thinking at that moment, but it surely was something that had to do with Eric.

As for the other three ladies, they were already aware of this place, as they knew that this was the reason why they had arrived here.