Chapter 394: A familiar face of the Past

Eric's words were extremely blunt, and direct. In fact, looking at the way he said it, it looked like, and it felt like he didn't have much difference from those guys.

  Just like those guys had asked he was asking for the poor sellers sister to become his. With the only variable changing that it wouldn't be those guys, but him.

The boat's owner was startled and shocked for a moment, but then he managed to quickly regain his senses as he looked towards Eric like he was about to eat him up.

Just because he had trusted a bit in this guy, just because he had had a good impression on this guy as he was a bit knowledgeable in boats, he dared spout this shit to him.

The boat owner's face was completely red due to anger at this point, as he couldn't control himself buy want to scream and jump on Eric's head to teach him a lesson.

But before he could do any of that, he heard Eric's calm and collected voice,