Chapter 397: Tying loose ends & Owner

Furthermore, no matter what, the owner of the hotel wouldn't really care who was at fault, all that he would want was for a duck to pay for the damages.

Since the old man managed to understand this perfectly, he turned towards the Eldest Young Master of the White Tiger organization and said with a voice containing traces of anger,

"So you are the reason all this happened!?

Youngster, I really wonder how do you intend to pay for the damages that you have caused!"

The woman beside the Eldest Young Master was incensed hearing that questioning tone, and those words, so she immediately jumped in, saying,

"Esteemed Master you must be joking. How is this matter related to my Young Master, it was clearly the attacker who is responsible for all this, and.."

She wanted to say, and your hotel for not being able to provide proper security and checking, but she was forced to eat those words, in fear that she incensed the Old Man in front of her.