Chapter 405: Plans, Word, & Worth

Certainly, his wishes were easier said than done, he knew this better than anyone. But he wasn't at a total disadvantage as he already had the foundations ready.

Furthermore, tonight he was intending to weed out all the opposition that his new organization might suffer in this city.

The biggest reason he had attacked Cui Xie's business was clearly to pull him out of his hiding and then cast his slave seal upon him.

But there was actually another reason why he did so in that obvious and open place. That was because he wanted to instigate those guys who were lowering their heads but harboring evil intentions.

Just think about it, what would these guys do if someone suddenly attacked Cui Xie's place, and then shortly after there was news of him dying.

They would clearly think that this was their golden chance and opportunity to take control of the city and would employ every means they had to do so.