Chapter 409: Qualifications to Negotiate

"What!? How is that possible? Are you lying to us?"

"Why would I need to lie to you people? Furthermore, even if I do lie just how long can I continue lying?"

"Then how!?"

"That is my secret, and you don't need to know about it now! After all, you don't expect me to believe your good intentions from the start right?

I need some time to actually form any good opinion and feeling of trust in you."

Even though the five men were extremely curious about the source of that formulae, and especially the formulae itself, they were still able to control their selves.

They understood better than anyone, that if the formulae were right, and if what Cui Xie said was the truth, then this was a great opportunity.

It was a great opportunity not only for each and every one of them but also for the city. As a farming city, that was mainly occupied with the production of herbs, this was a great opportunity for them.