Chapter 441: Rescuing Cui La

Having a look at the car's engine, and other parts he didn't find any problem, so he headed to the back to have a look at the fuel tank, only to find a short tube hanging out of it.

At that moment there was no fuel coming out of the short tube but considering the fact that the tank was empty there was no way there would be.

Still, that wasn't that important at that moment, as the most important thing was the fact that this clearly showed that someone had tampered with their car on the way.

Forgetting about the fact that they hadn't even felt something like this happening, the biggest problem was that right now they were amidst an extremely dark road, with someone on their tail.

Still, he was a cop, so he was trained for situations like this, so he quickly made sign to those inside,

"Be careful, we are ambushed!"