Chapter 481: Game starts

Even Master Takeshiba was unable to control his emotions and thoughts at that moment, as he couldn't help but say between clenched teeth,

"That brat is still as audacious as ever!"

The one who felt this letter the most was none other than the 'star' of the show Michael, who couldn't believe that it was his big brother that was actually taunting him.

His face was even worse than someone who had just eaten a full bag of shit, as he couldn't help but curse inside,

'Big brother I will make you regret the day you were born! I will make sure to teach you that you are nothing more than a vermin for me to squash and make a fortune.'

Master Fujiwara's face didn't seem to be any better too, as differently from Michael he didn't have much of a connection with Eric, and furthermore, he had actually betrayed Eric and his word.