Chapter 498: Amazing Rewards!

Eric had never thought that his chanced encounter would actually bring him so many benefits. He was thinking that having Willa, and the rewards of the System was already overkill.

Fortunately, it seemed like his benefits were even greater than he had thought as he had ended up with something like this Whale Dragon.

It was certainly a mix of different conditions that were practically impossible to come across, as she had certainly been affected by his Dragon Bloodline, and had her potential tapped by the Life Law infused special milk.

If even one of these conditions was missing that path of evolution wouldn't have been possible, and Willa wasn't the only one. Even Takeshiba Aika had taken a path of evolution affected by his bloodline.

He didn't know the reason why her path of evolutions seemed slightly weaker despite the fact that she had received so much more of his Life Law infused special milk.