Chapter 511: Playing Dirty

He was truly frightened by the scene in front of him, even after he had received more than ten times of deep breaths he was still unable to understand what had happened.

The older someone grew, the more difficult it was to accept death. If this were some sort of hard-fought and dangerous battle it would still haven't been this terrifying.

What made this whole damn thing terrifying was the fact that it had happened that fast. In but a mere moment, in but a mere instant a powerful Master of the 4th Realm had died without understanding how.

Not only that, but even the guy witnessing the whole show from the start had no idea of what and how it had happened. There felt to be no justice in that death.

All the painstaking work of a few centuries of hard work had been put to rest like that in a mere instant. What kind of expert and Master could accept something like that?