Chapter 522: Li Saint’s Plans

Madam Li was certainly startled and angered to see it happened, as her room, the room of the current Li Family's First Madam shouldn't be opened like that, no matter who it was.

Well, perhaps with the exception of one man, that she would never be able to oppose no matter what. But that didn't matter at that moment, as she was about to release her anger at the intruder.

The moment that her eyes landed upon the intruder though, that idea immediately disappeared from her mind, as a slight sense of loss, and failure appeared in her heart.

All her life she had tried her best to give her son the best of the best, hoping that he would grow to become a 'prince' or a 'king' but this little bastard had become nothing but a nuisance for her.

He, his perverseness, his overbearingness, his arrogance, and his uncontrollable anger had always made more troubles than fixing them.