Chapter 528: Reunion of Father & Son

The attack of Master Gao not only didn't work out but the guy was actually thrown away just like a sack of potatoes.

Even if Li Pimp tried his best to control his strength, the difference between him and Master Gao was that of Everest and a small mountain.

After all, Li Pimp was a Realm 6 expert, while Master Gao was someone who had only passed through the 1 Realm of evolution and didn't possess much strength.

It wasn't possible to cover the difference between the two of them just with a sneak attack like the one that Master Gao performed.

Even though Master Gao had a little bit of information about what came after the first realm of evolution, his knowledge was still shallow.

The guy that had helped him out to reach his current Realm hadn't said him much, and only left behind words like, you should try and carve your own path.