Chapter 554: Getting out of Retreat & Shower*

"Brother-in-law are you alright!?"

"Hehehe~! I haven't been better!"

"Ugh~! You sure about that, you certainly don't look that good!"

Hearing that Eric took a look at himself and he found out that his current look was way far from how he felt at this moment, but still his satisfaction didn't let him worry much about that.


That was because he had managed to not only successfully concoct the Energy Refining pellet but he had also greatly progressed in his Realm.

Trying all the Energy Refining pellets that he had actually concocted by himself first, he had received a great amount of energy.

The only problem was that many of his tries carried a lot of impurities, and his energy wasn't clean, to say the least.

For that reason, trying to get those impurities out of his system, and refine his energy he had spent all this time without eating a thing.