Chapter 556: Punishment!?*

It wasn't just Eric's the way she was standing and Eric's fierceness that made this whole thing extremely difficult for her to handle, but Eric's length and girth as well.

She felt like what he was drilling inside all the time was his arm and not his little brother. It was just too much for her.

'Aahhhnn…, aaagghhnn…, aaahhnnn~!'

For that reason, her moans of pleasure were mixed with quite a bit of pain, as she for some reason felt that Eric's little brother had experienced an upgrade.

It wasn't this big the last time that she had done this with him, or it could be that it felt bigger because it had been quite some time since she had had something to fill her up properly.

Of course, despite his age, Li Pimp had tried his best to please her after she returned from the Gao Family, but after experiencing Eric, his skills seemed like an elementary grader going against a teacher.