Chapter 573: Solving the Puzzle & Pleasant Surprise

The complicated expression on his face was for several reasons, but the most important among them was the fact that he wasn't a gardener per se.

In fact, the only thing he knew about gardening and taking care of plants and trees was that they needed water, a good environment, feeding, and cleaning.

Exactly as it looked, even the terms and words he used were totally unrelated to the ones that a really good and capable gardener would use.

The only reason why he had dared to make that bet with the guard earlier was that he was counting on his Legacy System, to not analyze the cause of 'blood rose's' condition, but also the way of its recovery.

Yet, the only evaluation that the Legacy System helped him with upon seeing the 'Blood Rose' was 'Hungry'!

'Motherfu*cker! Just what do you mean by hungry!? It's clear that this shitty plant has had the best care and treatment.