Chapter 577: Eric’s scheme (Unbelievable story!)

It seemed like in this moment of desperation Eric had actually decided to fight for his life and rights, no matter how difficult it would be.

The two drunkards were certainly startled and shocked by Eric's sudden move, as they even lost a bit of their drunken state, as they immediately stood in position to block the sudden attack.

Unfortunately, they were in for a surprise because Eric didn't actually attack the both of them but stormed out of the dungeon door.

The two drunkards were unable to understand how Eric's speed and skills had improved so suddenly, and even more so the reason why the door to his cell was open, and there was no guard outside.

'Hahahahahahah~! Hahahahhaahha~!'

Still, they didn't waste time as laughingly as they came outside to look for him. Did this guy truly think that he could easily escape from the Long Family Mansion's dungeon!?