Chapter 599: Miss Lu’s Self-inflicted Wounds

Miss Mu's voice was just like the rumble of a scary lightning bolt descending from the heavens, which immediately made the poor idiot on the side tremble like a leaf in front of a scary beast.

Even though he worked for one of the most prominent Young Masters of the Long Family and had entered the inner area of the Long Family Mansion as a servant, these two monsters were beyond his level.

Not even his direct superior the personal servant and butler of his Young Master dared to offend these two dangerous beasts.

One of them was the right hand of the Big Madam, while the other was the right hand of the Madam in charge, either of those two women was scary and terrifying vipers.

No servant or maid would have a good ending if they dared to do something that might offend them, and it was only now that the poor idiot started to truly regret his actions.