Chapter 602: Starting to Treat Madam Yan Meng*

Well, he was extremely tired right now, he had never thought that this Miss Mu would actually use all that aphrodisiac in his food and incite him that much.

This was something he had planned from the start, since he would need a secure and secret place to treat Madam Yan Meng, he had decided to do it here.

For that reason he had even invited himself to Miss Mu's room, thinking of overpowering her, drying her up, before he continued his work with Madam Yan Meng and Miss Lu.

"Perhaps we should leave this for another day, it's clear that you have been sucked dry, isn't it!?"

Unfortunately, things had gotten a bit out of hand, and now he couldn't help but regret his actions at first. Still, he had no intention of pulling back at this moment.

"Heheheheh~! Madam don't you think that you are seeing things differently from how they are!? The most important thing is still standing straight can't you see!?"