Chapter 607: Arena & Show-offs

"Hehehe~! Finally, I was starting to think that you had forgotten about me! Don't worry, I have promised to win whatever competition this is, and bring you face, honor, and money!"

"Hmph~! Just make sure you don't die from the first round!"

With that said, Young Miss Long immediately set on her way to make her own preparations, while Eric was left behind thinking and cultivating.

Without wasting time he had immediately sent a text message to Cui Xie to ask if he had any information about whatever this was and if he could come to the venue.

Well, it was more like an order to come to the Arena though, rather than asking him, because Eric needed a helper.

Not to guard him from the fights, and dirty dealings behind scenes, but in order to help him get even wealthier.

In a few words, Eric needed someone trusted to come to the venue and bet on him for every fight. After all, his odds were most probably going to be extremely high.