Chapter 660: From Heaven to Hell

The faces of the 4 ladies were a mix of different expressions and complex feelings. There were traces of defeat, anger, loss, terror, fear, pain, torture, and many more.

Who could blame them though, their family had been completely wiped out all of a sudden and they had ended up in the hands of their usurpers and killers as nothing more than slaves.

Even if their fate was a bit better than that of other clanswomen that were outside or had ended up in the hands of the beasts outside, they were still not in really different positions.

In a way their luck was certainly different, they were able to serve someone that seemed to be on a much higher standing and level than the animals outside, but their purpose was basically the same.

They were about to serve as nothing more than toys for a perverted old man that they would never even look at on a normal day.