Chapter 668: Hell on Earth!

The approaching cars felt just like hawks or eagles falling from the 'top' of the sky at full speed to hunt their prey.

In fact, it would be an offense to those prideful and great animals to compare those guys to them, as they looked more like vultures, or hyenas whose luck had shined that day.

Looking at the approaching beasts, the 'resurgents' who had just been thrown out of Nightless Stone City couldn't help but get frightened and start running as if their lives were dependent on that.

It wasn't a mistake to think like that though, as their lives truly depended on the fact whether they were able to escape this messed-up situation in front of them.

Their try to escape just made the vultures even more excited though, as they started speeding up their vehicles.

It was just like their food had suddenly decided to make their meal even more enjoyable as it had tried to jump around and 'play' the difficult card.