Chapter 672: Negotiations

Eric seemed mesmerized by the beauty, unable to recollect himself. It was to the point that the Envoy thought that Eric would be eating Aisha leaving no bones if he weren't there.

While Aisha had been sent with him to break the 'ice' and mesmerize Eric, he still understood his liege's obsession over her, so he couldn't allow that to happen.

With that in mind, he couldn't help but break the deathly silence and mindful games by coughing lightly, while he said,

"Your Excellency, my Liege is curious to know the details of the big deal you can offer him. So much, that he even sent his favorite to-be-concubine to learn of the matter!"

The Envoy wanted to strike two birds with one stone, as he pointed the conversation in the right direction while announcing Aisha's position and status as well.

What he meant was simple, you can look but you can't touch or have improper thoughts without offering something of the same value.