Chapter 703: Revival

Hearing their Young Master's scream, the black hoodied experts seemed to have awakened once again, as they started to scurry like ants and bring his commands to place.

Previously a lot of beauties had managed to escape from the venue of the wedding, but they hadn't been able to run too far, as there was now a formation surrounding the Sultan's Royal Palace.

No one knew who had made this formation, or how it had started, all they knew was that noone was able to escape from that, and noone outside was able to see or hear what they said.

It was most certainly a great wonder on how it had been possible for such a big formation to be layed out for noone to notice, and now it was too late.

In fact, it was only now that the mysterious expert noticed that there was something unusual as well, as he couldn't help but look with a puzzled and alert expression towards the formation.