Chapter 708: Green Hat Olympics V*

One might think that these actions didn't have enough 'righteousness' in them, or that they weren't manly enough, as Eric was doing cheap tricks to start a useless show.

Perhaps that was so, but did it actually matter!?

After all, each and every one that remained at the venue was either someone that had ignored him, or tried to kill him.

He had no reason to make his actions meaningful, or pretended that he could do everything even without the aphrodisiacs.

He was just trying to look for revenge, in the easiest and fastest way possible!

In fact, he could even be called a great hero just because he used an aphrodisiac on the beauties that tried to kill him, when he pounced on them.

A truly ruthless villain wouldn't have done that!

Hehehehehehe, you might actually start to think that he had at least a bit of humanity, right!?

Well, he didn't!