Chapter 721: Getting Another Man’s Woman

First Knife had to choose between his woman, dignity, manliness and his Arena's reputation, rules.


Vice-Master Hua was a really important piece of his plans, and even more so an important figure and soldier within his people.


Still, if he protected her and made the Arena loose face, reputation, and show that he could break the rules his father and especially his brothers would rip him apart.


Even though he was the oldest of the Knife Family, he had yet to be chosen the heir and that was for a reason.


He had two more talented and capable brothers that were on the same Realm of cultivation as he was, despite being younger by at least a decade.


And if that wasn't enough, his mother's faction was crumbling down, as his brothers had started to get more and more prominent.


In his current situation one wrong step would be enough to lose all chances of being selected as the heir.