Chapter 747: Once Again at the Door!


The whole Knife Family, including its Patriarch this time was on tenterhooks as they had never thought that the First Lady would truly disappear suddenly.


The incoming Elders were even more puzzled and stupefied, as they were supposed to be in tandem with the First Lady.


In fact, the plan was to have the First Lady sneak within the Young Prince's room, and then catch the Young Prince with his deed on his hands.


Unfortunately, something had gone wrong during the realisation, and they had lost all contact with the First Lady.


It was just like she had disappeared like a puff of smoke, it was precisely for that reason that the Elders searched even the dirtiest or the most impossible places to hide.


Yet they had found nothing!


Once the Patriarch had learned of the plan, he had just told them to be careful that they didn't misstep, and make sure that they took down the Young Prince.